Text Tips
This page is to enable fellow users to use basic use HTML tags to spice up your own webpages! Here's how:

On some pages you will see that some text is underlined, and that placing the curser over it causes the curser to change into a hand pointing. This is called a HYPERLINK - and clicking on it will take you to a new page or send an email etc.
The code for these is quite easy really - to create a link to another page in your own site:...

<a href=mypage.html> click here to see mypage.html</a> will make the words "click here to see mypage.html" a hyperlink that page (must be in same directory in your own website.

<a href=http://www.robian.net/index.html> click here to see my shop website </a> will make the words "click here to see my shop website" a hyperlink that external website NB you do not need the index.html if you are going to the main page there).

<a href=mailto:skybiz3@optusnet.com.au> click here to email me</a> will make the words "click here to email me " a hyperlink that will cause the users email program to create a new email addressed to me that they can then edit and send.

Please not in each of the above that the </a> is the END of the command, and MUST be there after the text. It is also possible to make a picture a hyperlink by placing the "<IMG SRC=" code found below in the place of the text. this will place the required picture on your page AND turn the picture into a hyperlink at the same time.

Paragraphs, line breaks, and horizontal lines
Separate your paragraphs using the <p> tag for a new paragraph.
The <br> tag starts a new line without skipping any space. To draw a line across the screen, use <hr> (for "horizontal rule").

Tag How to use it What it looks like

How to make Money?<P> Invest!

How to make Money?


<br> This stuff is easy!<br>HTML is not hard you see! This stuff is easy!
HTML is not hard you see!
<hr> Have a fun day!<hr> and smile a bit!

Have a fun day!

and smile a bit!

Create titles six different ways
Tag How to use it What it looks like
<h1></h1> <h1> The internet can be fun!</h1>

The internet can be fun!

<h2></h2> <h2> The internet can be fun!<h2>

The internet can be fun!

<h3></h3> <h3> The internet can be fun!<h3>

The internet can be fun!

<h4></h4> <h4> The internet can be fun!</h4>

The internet can be fun!

<h5></h5> <h5> The internet can be fun!</h5>
The internet can be fun!
<h6></h6> <h6> The internet can be fun!</h6>
The internet can be fun!

Emphasize words using bold, italic and underline
Tag How to use it What it looks like
<b></b> <b> The internet can be fun!</b>

The internet can be fun!

<i></i> <i> The internet can be fun!</i>

The internet can be fun!

<u></u> <u> The internet can be fun!</u>

The internet can be fun!

Increase or decrease your font one size at a time using <big>and <small> tags
Tag How to use it What it looks like
<big></big> Build <big>Invest now <big>and Guarantee </big>your </big>future!

Build Invest now and Guarantee your future!

<small></small> Act now! <small>Before it's too late!</small>

Act now! Before it's too late!

Use color
Liven type up with built-in colors like aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, yellow or white.
Tag How to use it What it looks like
<font color=color> Act <font color=green>now </font>and you will win!

Act now and you will win!

<font color=color> Act <font color=blue>now </font>and you will win!

Act now and you will win!

Centre your text
Note that the US spelling needs to be used in HTML.
Tag How to use it What it looks like
<center></center> <center>Buy now!</center>

Buy now!

Create lists with bullets or numbers

Tag How to use it What it looks like



My item is: <ul>


<li>In excellent condition</li>


My item is:

  • New
  • In excellent condition



My item is: <ol>


<li>In excellent condition</li>


My item is:

  1. New
  2. In excellent condition

Attach a picture to your listing
Use the <img> tag and indicate the Web address for the picture.
Tag How to use it What it looks like


<img src="http://www.yoursite.com/yourpicture.jpg">

Your picture will appear in the Web browser at the spot where your tag is listed.

To get exactly the effect you wantjust combine tags. For example, here's how to write "Buy now!" in bold, italic and centered: <P ALIGN="center"><b><i><center>Buy now!</center></i></b></P>

Advanced Text Tip
Look at how other people use tags on a Web page you like. You can easily look at the HTML commands on a page using Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.

In Internet Explorer:

In the Netscape browser:

The code for the page that you are on will appear. From there you will be able to view the different HTML codes that were used to design the page.

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This page can also be printed, but it may become confusing due to code used to create the actual samples above.

Copyright © 2000 Ian Moggs. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 4th June 2013.